American Horror Story: Coven Season Review

The pros and cons of season three of American Horror Story. Synopsis In New Orleans, a coven of witches run a school for young witches (“Bitchcraft“). Their number has dwindled over the decades, and now there are only four students…

“The Seven Wonders” American Horror Story: Coven (Season 3) Episode 13

The witches participate in the seven wonders to see which of them will become the next supreme. **CONTENT WARNING: Violence, death** Synopsis The coven partakes of one last dinner before the trials of the seven wonders begins. Myrtle somberly reminds…

“Go to Hell” American Horror Story: Coven (Season 3) Episode 12

Preparations are made to select the next supreme. **CONTENT WARNING: Violence, death** Synopsis An instructional video explains the seven wonders, a dangerous test that proves who is worthy to become the supreme. The seven categories are telekinesis, concilium (control of…

“Protect the Coven” American Horror Story: Coven (Season 3) Episode 11

Cordelia takes a desperate step to restore her powers while Fiona and Laveau put an end to the witch hunters. **CONTENT WARNING: Violence, torture, death** Synopsis The coven attends Nan’s funeral and are interrupted by Queenie’s return. She’s magically restored…

“The Axeman Cometh” American Horror Story: Coven (Season 3) Episode 6

The students release the ghost of a serial killer in their search for Madison. **CONTENT WARNING: Violence, death, torture, disturbing images** Synopsis In 1919, a jazz loving axe murderer (Danny Huston) haunts New Orleans. After gaining a reputation, he leaves…