Star Trek Discovery Review: How to Do a Good Thing Badly

The first episode of the newest Star Trek series has finally graced the small screen. When I say the first episode, I really mean what CBS wanted you to think was two episodes (but I’ll get to that in a…

In Defense of Hating Discovery’s New Klingon Look

  Okay, I’ve lived on the internet practically my whole life. I understand how exhausting nerd hate is and how terribly misplaced it can be. I can also understand the adage, “Let people enjoy things.” So, at the risk of…

Episode 1: Star Trek Discovery Pre-Show

This is the premiere episode of Red Shirt Rejects, Nerd Union’s officially unofficial Star Trek Podcast. This week Kyle and Zach “The Wild Turkey” Nichols discuss what to expect from Star Trek Discovery, incest Klingon babies, what got them into…