“Everything Everywhere Nearly Sweeps” 95th Oscars Recap

Yeoh takes home Best Actress as Everything Everywhere All At Once cleans up at the 95th Oscars. Hear Commander Shipp’s take on the broadcast and the other categories.

Talking about Women Talking: A Woman’s Perspective Recap Review ***Spoiler Edition***

While the title Women Talking (2022) seems demure, these women are actually trying to put words into action after a shocking revelation. After years of all the female-bodied residents of an isolated Mennonite community having strange experiences in their sleep…

Binge this Webcomic: Crabgrass

If you are: nostalgic for way-back when you looked forward to your parents getting done with the Sunday paper, curious to see how newspaper comics have taken to the digital age, or just want another comic to read… You should…

Gloating Over Discovery’s Final Season Is Sickening

You don’t have to like Discovery, but dogpiling right now after news of the final season exposes a lot of problems within the Trek fandom