“Suicide Squad Revisited” The Commander Shipp Show

This week launches our revised show format for The Commander Shipp show…

Monday: Topic of the Week

Our two co-hosts, Commander Shipp and Tom DeGroh, will do a deeper dive into major stories that cover current news/issues, movie franchises, industry trends, and more. Special guests may make appearances too, you never know…

Wednesday: Movie/TV News

This short show will cover all the major film news from the past weekend and what you should be looking forward to.

Friday: New Review

Commander Shipp will give you his impressions of the newest movie before you head to theaters. During quarantine, this will be a mix of reviews since we’re currently dealing with very few releases.

Monday episode: “Suicide Squad Revisited”

We discuss our thoughts on Suicide Squad, what was done well, where the movie failed, and what impact it had on the DCEU’s downtrend (at least before Wonder Woman and such started to fix the damage).

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