Everything We Know About Final Fantasy XV

Yesterday we released a list of  8 games that people are sure to buy that are coming out in 2016. One of those on the list was the upcoming Square-Enix title, Final Fantasy XV and in creating that list we learned quite a bit of information about the next adventure.

It draws story inspiration from “The Last Of Us.

In an interview with The Examiner, Hajime Tabata, the director of Final Fantasy XV, talked about the storyline of the game. He said “It’s important that the story progresses in a very unforced way, in a similar way that it was done with The Last Of Us, for example.” Tabata also continued to talk on the importance of relationships between the characters to the story and that the game aims to show a number of various types of relationships throughout the game with the first focus being on the relationship between a father and son. He also stated in this interview that one of the important threads of the plot is how exactly Noctis, the main protagonist, goes from being a young prince in waiting to becoming a king.


All of your party members are men.

Final fantasy XV party

This seems like a weird choice for Square-Enix but I guess in retrospect maybe not seeing how Final Fantasy XIII featured females as the main protagonists of that series. Tabata stated that there are quite a lot of female characters and the female characters of the story are very important and are not just love interests for the characters, although there are a few of those of course.  He also stated that some of them will prove to be difficult enemies on the battlefield implying that there are some tough ladies we can look forward to having to do battle with and can be reassured that the women of this tale are not just a bunch of helpless damsels in distress.


Relationships are a big deal

final fantasy XV kingdom

Like I was saying before, relationships are important but in this game they are REALLY important. Like down to the relationships between kingdoms and different castes of society.  In the announcement trailer we hear of how a kingdom called Niflheim has invaded and is after a crystal. This kingdom is also stated to have attacked the other kingdoms, Solheim, Tenebrae, and Accordo.  These crystals are of apparent importance between the nations and it would seem that Lucis, the kingdom of the protagonist, is the only one left with a crystal. Whatever importance these crystals have, they have put a strain on the relationships between the various kingdoms.


Two different kinds of magic exist in this game

final fantasy Xv Magic

Tabata stated that there are two kinds of magic that exists in this game; that of the common ordinary folk and the magic of the royal families. As I said before, relationships have been stated to be very important in this game so by the fact that those different magics exist there is room for speculation that this difference could cause some sort of societal problems and is definitely a potential plot device for the story of the game.


The combat is action based and it looks awesome

final fanatasy XV Combat 2

Given the two differing types of magic we mentioned before we can assume that since Noctis is of royal blood that his magic and fighting style will differ from that of the rest of your party. The combat in this game is action based much like that of the Kingdom Hearts series but with Noctis you have this nifty ability to be able to teleport around the battlefield and perform all sorts of crazy combos as a result. This allows for different types of strategies and the ability to literally attack any enemy you can set your sights on probably. Those of you who have played Shadow Of Mordor know how handy that can be. In addition to being able to teleport around the battlefield you also seem to have the ability to change weapons on the fly thus giving you even more freedom to diversify and alter your strategies in combat on a whim according to whatever is necessary for victory, or maybe just even survival. In one particular video we even got to see what happens when you summon Ramuh. We can only hope the rest of the summons in game are as terrifying and powerful as that one was.


This world is a fantasy game set in the most realistic environment yet

Final Fantasy XV Camping

Yes we know, while there are of course magic, airships, fancy larger than life weapons, monsters, and chocobos, the game does an incredible job of still making the world feel incredibly realistic even beyond its stellar detailed graphics. Your characters still will be running around in a world filled with realism in the small things such as travel or fishing (yes there is a fishing mini game….or we assume its just a mini game right now,) or even camping. Heck, you even have to get your car repaired from time to time by Cid!


You get a car!

Final Fantasy XV car

One of the ways you can traverse the vast open world of Final Fantasy XV is by driving around in your very own car! This car will prove essential in traversing the world and is free to be used as either an automatically driven mode, where one of the other characters takes the wheel and you just enjoy the view from the back seat, or a manual mode where you are free to drive all over the world as you please! This car is also an important plot device due to the fact that it was given to Noctis by his father apparently.


It comes out this year!

Final Fantasy XV 2016

Yes you heard me Final Fantasy XV will FINALLY be released this year although the exact release date for which month has not been confirmed yet. It is set to have the release date announced in March during one of Square-Enix’s major events but it has been confirmed for 2016 release. If you are a JRPG fan then get excited because this one looks worth the money. We will have a review of the game out as close to or as soon after the release as we can so check back to hear what we have to say about the next entry into the series.

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