Quick look at OverBattle: the All War

If you ever played Axis & Allies and thought something was missing, Syther Gaming agrees and brings OverBattle: the All War to GenCon 2018. OverBattle takes the static map and turns field creation into part of the conflict. A new combat resolution system the creators refer to as CASy (Combat Assault System) simulates the effectiveness of various unit types, such as heightening the power of fighters and bombers against units closer to the ground. Three factions have similar game play while a fourth operates by a different set of rules, getting pushed and pulled along with the other players’ actions until they too, at last, join the All War.

Look for a more comprehensive review of the game thus far from Nerd Union a bit later, but suffice it to say for now this game brings an old school feel with new mechanics, adding up to a combination of Risk 2210 AD, Axis & Allies, along with a more contemporary turn fluidity that keeps players needing to think further ahead than just their immediate position.

Syther Gaming is currently touring with OverBattle in preparation for their Kickstarter, looking to launch in March of 2019.

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