Episode 4: “Malfoys, and Tardigrades, and Klingons, oh my!”

This week Zack and Kyle discuss the latest episode of Star Trek Discovery as well as how it stacks up to The Orville and previous Trek series. Join the conversation on facebook @redshirtrejects or on reddit at r/nerdunion.

Episode 2: Star Trek Discovery and why it’s all Scotty’s fault

This week we dissect the first two episode of Star Trek Discovery. We also dive into the toxicity of the Facebook Star Trek groups, in addition to CBS All Access. The moral of the story? Scotty probably shouldn’t have messed…

Star Trek Discovery Review: How to Do a Good Thing Badly

The first episode of the newest Star Trek series has finally graced the small screen. When I say the first episode, I really mean what CBS wanted you to think was two episodes (but I’ll get to that in a…

Game On Looks to be a One Stop Shop for Tabletop

Right now if you’re a game maker, or board game aficionado, there’s only one place you look for new projects — Kickstarter. If you go on Kickstarter right now there are 249 projects waiting for your hard earned money. It’s…

In Defense of Hating Discovery’s New Klingon Look

  Okay, I’ve lived on the internet practically my whole life. I understand how exhausting nerd hate is and how terribly misplaced it can be. I can also understand the adage, “Let people enjoy things.” So, at the risk of…