I Know I’m Human – A Review of The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31

Upon learning that Mondo Tees and Project Raygun were teaming up unleash upon us a board game version of John Carpenter’s The Thing, I genuinely lept from my chair and cheered. I’m not ashamed to admit that: the combination of…

Peaceable Kingdom And Their Cooperative Board Games For Children

With GenCon kicking off today, Indianapolis and the House That Peyton Built have become flooded with the most hardcore and experienced of tabletop gamers, myself included. GenCon is truly an adult toy store, from meticulously-created miniatures and dice to thousands…

Life, the Universe, and Missile Glitching: A Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Retrospective

It seems like only yesterday we were traversing the galaxy as Commander Shepard, dancing terribly, saying “I should go” to people, killing Geth and Reapers with a slew of great teammates and even greater friends, and occasionally boinking. Well, for…